Thursday, March 10, 2011

Glimpse Into the Future #1

Big Pops with a copy of "Once a Kid" in a Tokyo book store.

Yeah, the cover's a mock-up.

But when the great, already legendary memoir is published, Ralph will re-enact this pose in the land of the rising sun!

(Photo courtesy: Chuckles Barnyard.)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Down the Gullet Hole

I don't know whatever happened to that rabbit. I'm sure it's fine.

After all, the rabbit is safely cradled in the hands of Walter Slattery, Bronx photographer and flanked by Grand-cousin Frank (left) and Raphael Fuccillo, Ralph's grandfather (right).

Each gent wears a singular expression.

Frank: "What would you like us to do with this bunny?"

Mr. Slattery: "What do THINK I'm gonna do with this rabbit?"

Grandpa Raphael: "What are you looking at?"

Actually, the rabbit went on to live a long, happy life in a cushy hutch in Garden City, Long Island.

Or he ended up in the pot.